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Compare EKM plans in full

Cost per month (Excluding VAT)

Billed monthly, no contract


Annual Pricing Discount

Contact our team for details

1 free month
Save £37.49
1 free month
Save £76.99
1 free month
Save £229.99
1 free month
Save £659.99

Account Manager

Initial 30 minute welcome call including screen shared interactive demonstration of the system and functionality to get you started
An Account Manager will be by your side for the first 6 months as a point of contact to advise, help and assist you in getting your shop setup and sales rolling in
You'll have a direct phone number to reach your Advanced Account Manager who can answer any questions you have and offer advice, best practices and assistance with features
Your dedicated Pro Account Manager is at hand to help take care of all of your websites needs. From design and content requests to product uploads, we'll do it for you allowing you to focus on what matters


UK support via phone and live chat
Priority UK support via phone and live chat (Support tickets are fast-tracked and dealt with within a 2 hour window)
24/7 emergency support with a direct phone line to your very own dedicated Account Manager
24/7 emergency support with a direct phone line to your very own dedicated Account Manager

Number of products


Free domain name

A free domain name for your first year with EKM

Unlimited bandwidth

SSL certificate

No transaction fees

No contract

Evolution Mode

Find out more

Once a year our Evolution team will review your shop and show what is needed to increase sales
Once a year our shop Evolution team will make improvements to your online shop to increase sales
Once a month our shop Evolution team will make improvements to your online shop to maximise sales
Unlimited number of requests to our Evolution team who will make improvements to your online shop to maximise sales

Shop reports

Shop health reports
Health & sales reports
Health & sales reports
Health & sales reports


Create an online shop without the hassle of holding stock, packaging or shipping products.Learn more

Mobile app access

Facebook messenger chat

Email marketing - free plan

Your own 0333 number

Responsive themes

Highly customiseable ecommerce themes that are completely free and fully responsiveView all themes

70+ themes available
70+ themes available
70+ themes available
70+ themes available

Card logos

Promo stickers

Discount management

Show recently viewed products

Product image zoom

Bulk discounts

Powerful product search

Abandoned cart recovery

eBay integration

Product filters

Back in stock notifier

Related products

Product attributes

Advanced inventory manager

Logo & image builder

Search statistics

Customer reviews

Social plugins

Bulk product management

Automatic stock control

Create new webpages

Custom product attributes

Customer login

Allow your customers to log into a secure area to view previous orders and update details

Drag and drop image upload

Drag and drop card logos

Free shop migration

Our experienced migration team can seamlessly move your data from a different platform to EKM, for free!

Hidden products

Hide specific products from general public access. A link can be created for direct access to hidden products

Image uploader

Import and export products

Powerful image editing

Product and category classification

Product options and variants

Custom colour swatches

Product image lightbox

Upload products quickly

Quick announcements

Let customers know about things like free delivery or a promotion you're running

Holiday mode

Continue taking orders while you're busy or on holiday but warns customers of a delay

Password protection

Password protect your online shop so all visitors must enter a password in order to access any pages

Product quick view

The quick view feature speeds up the buying process for customers by letting them view full product details and add to cart directly from home and category pages


Subscription payments

Subscription payments allow you to turn one-off buyers into repeat customers. Allow your customers to sign up and receive timed interval deliveries of your products


WordPress for EKM lets you add a feature rich blog to your online shop in seconds

Loyalty points

Dedicated test shop

Test a new design on your own dedicated test shop. If you like the changes you can then go ahead and make them on your live shop.

Multiple currencies

Delivery slots

Gift cards

Allow your customers to purchase gift cards for someone to use on your website at a later date

Product urgency features

Show sales countdown times, delivery cut off times and other messages to help convert more customers

API access

Integrate your own systems and applications with EKM to access your shop data such as orders, customers, products and categories

Trade discounts

Your Trade customers will be able to login and see discounted prices

99.9% shop uptime SLA guarantee

Free access to EKM events

Exclusive payment rates

Cheapest payment gateway rate

1.4% + 20p
1.4% + 20p
1.4% + 20p

Yearly online sales limits

Up to £50k
Up to £150k
Up to £1m


High performing
Enterprise level

Free Design Tweaks Timescales

20 working days
10 working days
3 working days
1 working day

Employee accounts


Cost per month (Exc VAT)

The EKM 6 month money back guarantee

“I am so confident that EKM is the best solution for you, that if you're unsatisfied with the service in 6 months time, we'll refund every penny."

Stephen Howells - EKM Managing Director
What's the catch? Yes there is a catch but it’s a good one